Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problem with Precedence Expression


I have a SQL Task the executes the following statement;

SELECT COUNT(SettleDate) AS CountResult
FROM SettleDateCount

I have the SQL Task Editor configured for a Single Row result set. The Result Name is CountResult, and the variable it populates is RowCountRes. RowCountRes is Int32 with EvaluateAsExpression set to False.

I have a boolean variable called RowCountStatus. It evaluates as the following expression;

@.[User::RowCountRes] > 1

From the SQL Task, I have two different constraints, both of which evaluate with an expression. One constraint evaluates this way; @.[User::RowCountStatus] = True

The other evaluates this way; @.[User::RowCountStatus] = False

The idea is that if the count comes back from the sql statement greater than 1 then execution continues down one path, else it goes down the other path. Currently, the result comes back = 1. I expect that the 'False' path will execute, but the 'True' path executes instead.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help!


cdun2 wrote:


I have a SQL Task the executes the following statement;

SELECT COUNT(SettleDate) AS CountResult
FROM SettleDateCount

I have the SQL Task Editor configured for a Single Row result set. The Result Name is CountResult, and the variable it populates is RowCountRes. RowCountRes is Int32 with EvaluateAsExpression set to False.

I have a boolean variable called RowCountStatus. It evaluates as the following expression;

@.[User::RowCountRes] > 1

From the SQL Task, I have two different constraints, both of which evaluate with an expression. One constraint evaluates this way; @.[User::RowCountStatus] = True

The other evaluates this way; @.[User::RowCountStatus] = False

The idea is that if the count comes back from the sql statement greater than 1 then execution continues down one path, else it goes down the other path. Currently, the result comes back = 1. I expect that the 'False' path will execute, but the 'True' path executes instead.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help!


You should use the watch window to test if the variable truly contains the value that you think it does.

This should help:

Using variables to store expressions




Thank you!


|||Don't know for certain, but shouldn't it be @.[User::RowCountStatus] == False (NOTE: double equal sign for comparison, single equal for assignment). Seems like it might hit the first test {can rowcountstatus = true, yes} and stops there. I very easily could be wrong though.|||

EWisdahl wrote:

Don't know for certain, but shouldn't it be @.[User::RowCountStatus] == False (NOTE: double equal sign for comparison, single equal for assignment).

That was it! Thanks!

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