Friday, March 30, 2012

problem with SQLSTATE

create function
"DBO".sf_GetStateID( @.Abbr char(2))
returns integer
declare @.StateID integer;
set @.Abbr=UPPER(@.Abbr);
if @.Abbr is null
set @.Abbr=''
set @.StateID=53;

select MIN(lngStateID) into StateID from "DBA".States where strAbbr=@.Abbr;

if @.StateID is null
insert into States(strAbbr,strName) values(@.Abbr,@.Abbr)

if SQLSTATE = '00000'

set @.StateID=@.@.IDENTITY

In this function, I am getting error at SQLSTATE = '00000'. I saw in books online and it says that SQLSTATE is a keyword. It is not recognizing SQLSTATE as a keyword in the function.
Can you help in that?

2nd Error: It is not accepting the statement
select MIN(lngStateID) into StateID from "DBO".States where strAbbr=@.Abbr;

I don't see any problem in the above statement. Do help in solving these two problems.

K.The 2 problems is that sqlstate is used for odbc/embedded sql - not for udfs. Also, you are returning a scalar in the udf and not a table (for the 2nd error).sql

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